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Peter Kittel

Llb, Dip. Fin.

Company Founder, Executive Director and Chief Inventor


Peter is the founder of Axis Energy, Executive Director and Chief Inventor. He has deep expertise acquired through a varied career in engineering, construction, renewable energy and financial services corporations over a 40 year period.


Peter commenced working with renewable energy solutions in the 1990s and is the author of multiple patents in the field. He has been involved with start-up ventures that have successfully transitioned into viable businesses and brings immense experience, expertise and technical skills to the team.

Rajesh Paul

MBA, B.Eng Elec



A multi-domain expert at implementing the adoption of leading edge technologies that drive business growth, Raj is founder and Managing Director of Athenta Technologies, a product company in the Enterprise Internet of Things Space.


Raj brings knowledge and hands on expertise of working with governments and enterprises across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India. He is based in the United Kingdom and is using his extensive business network to negotiate capital raising, sales procurement and is charged with the management of Axis Energy's international business.

Craig Froome

B.Bus, M.EnvMan



Craig is Senior Vice President, Global Strategy and Business Development at Pathion. He has a background in commerce, law and environmental management with extensive consulting experience.


Craig's expertise includes solar energy deployment options, energy economics and renewable energy policy. He has undertaken numerous projects looking at renewable energy deployments for government and industry including shopping centers, industrial parks, and ports.

Reda Farhi

M.Eng Mech, M.Eng Env

Project Engineer


Reda holds Master’s Degrees in Engineering from the University of Melbourne and from Ecole Centrale de Nantes, a French member of the Top Industrial Manager for Europe (TIME) university network.


Reda has worked with energy and environmental services companies in the United States and France, including a Seattle-based award-winning hydrokinetic turbine developer. Reda possesses a comprehensive understanding of turbine design and brings engineering knowledge and technical skills to the team.​

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